Why Beauty Matters for Science Education
I didn't particularly care for my science classes when I was in school. My grades were pretty good
The beauty of awe
In the fall of 2004, I spent a couple of months in rural Ontario. One evening late in the year,
Beauty, desire, and rivalry in science and technology
So far we've talked about what beauty means to scientists, whether theorists or experimentalists, and why it matters
Beauty and the brain: The science of neuroaesthetics
What goes on in our brains when we encounter beauty? And what can neuroscience offer to help us understand the
Beauty and innovation, Italian style
"The scientific mind is an entrepreneurial mind or a storytelling mind, that accepts change, that accepts the twists of a plot, that accepts that something new might come and might develop." - Luca Cottini
The beauty (and ugliness) of the law
"If a law is unjust, if it's misdirected, it has a unique ability to be something harmful. But at its best, law expresses what is the best in us." - Lucia Silecchia